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I personally get the most out of realizing that these men are our fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, nephews – men that society stigmatizes into impenetrable heroes.. Dealing with my sexuality mirrored dealing with my abuse in some ways For instance I had tremendous shame, guilt and internal oppression avoiding my sexuality much like my abuse.. – I can assure you that even though I did not come out until my twenties and again more less when I was 31, I knew I was different at a very young age.

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I have to get comfortable in the uncomfortable so my healing journey can truly begin.. I hold the unwavering belief that something as beautiful as compassion and romantic love for another person cannot be bred from something as evil as sexual abuse.

After only a short time in the group it is helping me revisit the abuse and express my emotions, feelings and how it affects me as an adult today.. The group and my support system at Wayside allowed me to face the demons of shame, guilt and internal oppression towards both the abuse and my sexuality head-on.. Even though I had gone through the therapy as a child, it was imperative in my recovery to revisit the abuse with my developed adult mind, emotions and feelings.. I knew I was different throughout my teen years and came out when I was 20 to myself and close friends.. Through this group I was able to turn over perhaps the most important stone of all – my sexuality.. It was short lived however as I drifted in and out of the proverbial closet for work or one reason or another for the next 11 years. b0d43de27c